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the strong todd house

The Strong-Todd House

The Strong-Todd house offers a glimpse into Rochester’s entrepreneurial heritage. Rare wood paneling, original hand-painted murals, hand-carved railings and landscaped gardens take you back to a fascinating period in Rochester’s history. Henry Strong, who designed and built the house, lived there from 1902 to 1926.

He was the co-founder of the Eastman Dry Plate Company, which later became Eastman Kodak. Libanus and Nora Todd owned the house from 1926 to 1948. Libanus, an entrepreneur and investor, gave tirelessly to the community. He is known for developing a program wherein wealthy families created jobs for less fortunate people during the Depression. The program took hold across the country.

Walking through the house is a fascinating experience, and we encourage our clients to take the extra time to tour the offices.

  • Super Lawyers
  • ABA - Defensing Libery Pursuing Liberty
  • The American Trial Lawyers Association
  • NELA - National Employment Lawyers Association
  • MCBA - Monroe County Bar Association
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Thomas & Solomon LLP
693 East Avenue
Rochester, NY 14607

Phone: 585-272-0540
Toll Free: 877-272-4066
Fax: 585-272-0574
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